Saturday, June 22, 2013

The view from the Plain

The view from the Plain:
Landscapes, flora, and fauna from the plains of Hungary and Romania

My husband Josh got me a fancy new camera for my birthday this year, and this summer I got to test it out on the beautiful scenery of southeastern Europe as I made my way though Hungary and Romania. The composite picture above is the view of the Maros river marshes from the top of the Pecica tell site (a tell is a hill created by thousands of years of human occupation), Romania. Here are a few of my favorites! (Thanks for the gift, Josh!)

Stork mom and growing babies
(their nests are located on the top of telephone poles throughout small villages)

I really like flowers...

 This is the view from the porch of the Panzio - the place we stay while excavating as part of the BAKOTA project.

Freshly picked (left) and drying (below) chamomile

Houses and gardens


Beautiful Beetles

Cats and dogs...and a hedgehog, too

 Below are picks of our site dogs "Pomacs" and "Benji." They are a breed of Hungarian sheepdogs called "Puli." They belonged to a local farmer that lived close to the site and would come visit us (and take lots of naps) daily.

-Prof. Giblin


  1. My guess is the bug photos are for your dad?
    Great pictures!

  2. I love taking photos of flowers. Your pictures are great. I'm excited for Greece!

  3. Thanks for the pictures! I had a very different idea in my head of what Hungary looks like... this was great to see!
